The Centre of Excellence in Severe Asthma Annual Research Meeting is approaching!
This meeting will be held on 25 October 2017 at the Hunter Medical Research Institute, in Newcastle, Australia.
The following sessions are open to the public:
Keynote Presentation & Webinar: Early-life Factors and Asthma Development
Caves Lecture Theatre: 1 – 2 PM
Prof Urs Frey (University of Basel, Switzerland) is Chair of Pediatrics and Medical Director at the University Children’s Hospital in Basel, Switzerland. He has a MD degree in Pediatrics from the University of Berne, Switzerland, and a PhD in Medical Physics from the University of Leicester UK. He is an established researcher in paediatric pulmonology, particularly in the field of asthma and developmental physiology. He leads a birth cohort study investigating genetic and environmental influences on infant lung development and is also interested in the mathematical modelling of complex airways disease. He is currently on Sabbatical leave at the Woolcock Institute in Sydney.
Register here:
A flyer with more information is available here: link
Career Development Session: Effective Grant Writing & The Grant Panel Process
Caves Lecture Theatre: 2 – 3 PM
Laureate Prof. Paul Foster (University of Newcastle) and Prof. Bruce Thompson (Monash University) will provide insights into how to write an effective grant and what happens during the grant panel process. This session will include time for discussion and questions and answers from the audience.
The Newcastle Asthma Meeting (NAMe) meeting will follow on 26 – 27 October.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to